The Banana Doc - FWDB

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The Banana Doc

Self Introduction

Hello and warm greetings. Call me The Banana Doc (BanDoc or BD, if you prefer shorter forms).
The Banana Doc, Dragon Ball GT Rewritten's author

Since I was a child, reading has been my passion, a skill I already possessed at the age of three. I started, of course, with children's books, but quite quickly (well, let's say at the age of 9-11) I began to switch to fantasy, and later also to the classics "from the higher shelf" (Sienkiewicz, Dumas, Dostoevsky, etc.). My studies are also connected with literature. However, I never written anything, because I lacked courage and, above all, ideas. Finally, three years ago, my time came and I decided to make my first attempt, which is, of course, fan-made sequel to Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball, GT Rewritten. As the author, I kindly invite you to read my work and share your thoughts on it.
I would never call myself an "otaku," as I've only watched two short anime in their entirety so far (don't worry - the number of series I'm actually interested in/was interested in is much higher). These modest explorations, however, began with my wonderful co-worker ERAZEE, who years ago showed me the world of Dragon Ball. Although my first impression was very negative, over time I began to become drawn to Son Goku's adventures, learning about them in various ways (some anime episodes, manga, clips on the Internet, Dragon Ball Wiki, etc.). Temporarily, I even managed to surpass ERAZEE in knowledge of the universe, although now I wouldn't be so sure.
I'm not interested in a particular story because it's an anime/manga or precisely because it's not, but I look first and foremost at quality, regardless of the medium in which the work was done. I think my reading experiences have sensitized me quite well to the particular pros and cons of fictional worlds, plots and characters. I'm eager to use those experiences in my own work as well, and hope to one day create something that is mine from start to finish... or shared only with dear ERAZEE.
My online activities are quite modest and limited to running the social media of the Dragon Ball Liberation Front and our YouTube channel, which of course I highly recommend. I am also very passionate about discussing all sorts of topics, which I invite you to join.

In 2020, I helped ERAZEE make a several-episode parody of Hirohiko Araki's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga titled Nietuzinkowe Ewenementy JanJana (a loose translation of the original title in Polish). The series is no longer available online for various reasons, but working on it deepened my bond with ERAZEE and made us a close-knit duo, resulting in another project in the future, the main reason why the Dragon Ball Liberation Front was established.   
The Banana Doc (alternate costume)
That project is, of course, Dragon Ball GT Rewritten, the Polish (now in the process of translation to English) sequel to Akira Toriyama's classic manga, done in drama/screenplay form. Working on the first saga took almost three years for personal reasons, but I don't regret that time. Initially, I was a very cautious author, roughly sticking to the plot line laid out by the original GT anime, making only what I thought were necessary changes to it. I must admit that I didn't quite believe that it was possible to significantly improve the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga, which I didn't like at the time, so I took as my strategy to get through it as quickly as possible and move on to the next saga, which I thought had more potential. After writing a few Chapters and receiving positive feedback from (at the time) my only reader, ERAZEE, I gained more confidence in my ingenuity and skills, so I abandoned my nervous "looking into" the original (i.e. Dragon Ball GT) and took the second half of the Grand Tour Saga in a different direction from where its official counterpart had gone. I think it's not hard to recognize this particular moment of creative "transition to the next level" in GT Rewritten, if only you read it, which I certainly encourage you to do.
I also believe that I have already succeeded, at least to some extent, in my mission to "rewrite" Dragon Ball GT as a story truly being a worthy successor to Akira Toriyama's manga. Of course, this is just the beginning - after the first of the sagas, there are four more to come, so all that remains is to invite you to accompany me and ERAZEE on the truly wonderful road we have embarked on.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this short text. I hope you enjoy our website,, and Dragon Ball GT Rewritten. I also invite you to the FWDB YouTube channel, where you can listen to me instead of reading for a change. Stay tuned!


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